Create a secure Password-Store with Ansible Vault

By | 28/11/2018

Recently I came across the fact that I need to encrypt passwords stored in Ansible YML files, as the scripts are published in a git repository which is synced to a Gitlab instance.

Therefore it was necessary to check the web for resources on ansible and encryption. I came across Ansible Vault which is quite easy to use.

Now lets get to the basics. First we create a YML-File which holds all the variables with the passwords:

  # os user passwords (user: <pw>)
  test_pw: "my_Secret-Pw12!"
  orchestration_pw: "sUp1r-sEcr1t-pW"

Now as we have the password file in plain text it is time to encrypt the whole thing with the help of the Ansible Utility “ansible-vault”:

ansible-vault encrypt my_store.yml
  New Vault password:
  Confirm New Vault password:
  Encryption successful

Here we specify interactively the password to encrypt the passwordstore file.

As result we get the encrypted passwordstore file my_store.yml which is AES-256 encrypted.

cat my_store.yml

Now that we have our encrypted store, it is time to use it in a playbook. For simplicity of this test case the playbook will do an include of the passwordstore-yml-file and will output via debug statement the passwords from the store. Now lets start with the main playbook:- hosts: localhost

- hosts: localhost
- my_store.yml


- name: debug - show encrypted variables
msg: "Password1: {{ test_pw }} ; Password2: {{ orchestration_pw }}"

Now if we execute the playbook we will see the following result:

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass show_vault.yml
 Vault password:

 PLAY [localhost] *************************************************************************************************************************************

 TASK [Gathering Facts] *******************************************************************************************************************************
 ok: [localhost]

 TASK [debug - show encrypted variables] **************************************************************************************************************
 ok: [localhost] => {
 "msg": "Password1: my_Secret-Pw12! ; Password2: sUp1r-sEcr1t-pW"

 PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************************************************
 localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0

After typing in the password for the encrypted vault the playbook runs and with our debug task we can see that the passwords are available during execution in a decrypted way.

If you don’t want to type in the password for the ansible vault encrypted files you could specify a file with the password included and pass it as a parameter  to the ansible-playbook program:

first create the file which includes the password

cat vault_pw

After that it can be used with the ansible-playbook command:

ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=vault_pw show_vault.yml

If you want to use a random secure password for encryption and decryption of
your ansible vault password file a good choice is to use openssl for that.

openssl rand -base64 <Number>  (Number is the length of the password in byte)


openssl rand -base64 64 | xargs > vault_pw

cat vault_pw

The Pipe ‘|’ and xargs command is needed to concat the resulting password string to be in one line in the password file.

That’s it, now you are ready to use encrypted passwords/files in your ansible automation scripts. Please keep in mind that storing the password to decrypt the encrypted files in a special file is a security risk as this password is stored there unencrypted !!!